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Patent Search

Patent search is quite mandatory for all patent registration services as one should need a unique and different patent for his or her innovation. Patent Registration Act came to India in the year 1972 in order to search the potential patent for a business enterprise. Patent registration is a legal process and one should go through as per the patent registration act in order to complete the whole process of patent search and patent registration. Patent is the Intellectual Property of an organization or an individual and therefore, one should search in different patent databases from different parts of the world in order to find a unique patent which will stand out a business enterprise. There are various types of patent searches are carried out as per the type of business and nature of the business like Pharmaceuticals, engineering and mechanical, FMCG and other products. There are different types of patent searches are mentioned below:

  • Infringement Searches: This type of search is carried out to avoid the patent infringement cases in future. One can get to know whether such type of patents is exist or not with the name of other person.
  • Patent Watch: Patent watch services are absolutely helpful for aspiring patent owners and all these services are provided by patent registration professionals.

Patent Search Services

Patent search services are gaining importance day by day among aspiring patent owners and business entrepreneurs from across the world. Patent search helps to find the availability of patent name or not as per the Patent registration act 1972. These days, there are some well qualified and well trained patent registration professionals and trademark lawyers are providing patent search and registration services at affordable prices. Therefore, every business entrepreneur should go for a patent and trademark agent in order to register or search of a patent. The prime motive behind patent search is to avoid patent infringement and other illegal usage of the Intellectual Property of an organization.

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